
Privacy policy

By using the "SummaRead" app you are consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information

1. We do not collect any personal information (such as your name, email address etc.). SummaRead only has access to whatever information you choose to put inside your notes.

2. We will not disclose your information to any third party except if you expressly consent or where required by law.

Data Storage

3. If you want to share your notes across all of your Apple devices, SummaRead will use Apple`s framework called "CloudKit" to store your notes in your private iCloud. This storage option will be linked to your Apple ID but we do not collect any information about your Apple account to achieve this. Once you`ve given the app permission to link to your Apple ID, all the note-syncing magic happens in the background thanks to Apple.

Publishing Notes and Content Moderation

4. The content of your notes will not be shared with anyone unless you choose to `Publish` a particular note inside the app. If you decide to `Publish` a note, its contents (except for the `Favourite Quotes` section - see the Fair Use Policy below) will be visible to all other users of the app. However, neither any information about you, nor the content of any other notes will be shared. You may choose to publish as many individual notes as you like.

5. To create the best user experience, we must ensure that every note published to the public library complies with our Fair Use Policy. Every note submitted for publishing is therefore reviewed before it becomes visible to the public. The content moderation team will not have access to any information about you - just about the content of the note.

6. We store the published notes on Google`s Firebase servers. You can find their privacy policy here. We do not send any information about your device or any of your personal information to Firebase.

7. None of the data sent to Firebase is used for advertising or analytics purposes.

Contacting us

8. If you have any questions about the app or this Privacy Policy, you can reach out at

9. If you email us for support or other feedback, the emails (including their content and sender email addresses) may be retained for record-keeping or quality assurance purposes. The email addresses will be used only to reply to the concerns or suggestions raised and will never be used for any marketing purpose.

Fair Use policy

By using the SummaRead app you agree to comply with the terms of this Fair Use Policy at all times.

1. SummaRead was designed to be a fun and educational experience for everyone. Therefore, when you submit a note to the public library it must:

1.1 not be defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited in respect of anyone`s religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups;

1.2 not contain realistic portrayals of people or animals being killed, maimed, tortured, or abused, or content that encourages violence;

1.3 not encourage illegal or reckless use of weapons and dangerous objects, or facilitate the purchase of firearms or ammunition;

1.4 not contain overtly sexual or pornographic material, defined as `explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings`;

1.5 not copy entire chunks of text from the book you have made notes on (quotes are fine within reason i.e. if they are of the length and quantity that you would expect to find in a book review or an academic essay); and

1.6 contain what it is expected to contain - i.e. your notes on a book, not any other form of writing produced by you (such as, but not limited to, your own ideas for a book, essays, stories, articles etc.).

2. You agree that before any note is published to the public notes library in the SummaRead app, it will be reviewed and moderated to ensure that it complies with the rules of this Fair Use Policy. A note will not be made publicly available and will be deleted from our Firestore database if the moderation process finds that the note does not comply with the rules set out in this Fair Use Policy. For the avoidance of doubt, a note not being admitted to the public library has no impact on the private version of the note saved on your device or in your iCloud account.

3. This app was made by book lovers for book lovers. We therefore want to make sure that it respects the rights of book authors to their intellectual property. To ensure this, published notes will not contain the `Favourite Quotes` section of any notes. This section will still be visible to you in the private version of the note saved on your device or in your iCloud account.

4. For the avoidance of doubt, this Fair Use Policy only applies to any notes which you try to publish in the public notes library. The Fair Use Policy has no bearing on any notes which are solely private i.e. saved on your device or in your iCloud account only, and on which not you have not used the `Publish` option. The developer bears no responsibility for the contents of such notes and will not be able to access and/or view such notes at any time.

5. If you do find content in the app which you consider objectionable, you will see a `Report` button. Please do take a second to press it - it will flag the note to us for further moderation and we will take it offline if needed.